Lab 1 - Morse Code
This lab is to serve as an introduction to the use of embedded systems with the Nexus 7 tablet. Students will write and Android application that takes a string input and converts it into morse code. The application will then convert the morse code string into bytes to send to the Arduino. The Arduino application takes the output from the tablet and interprets the bytes back into morse code. The application then takes this morse code and flashes an LED in the morse code message of the String entered.
LAB 2 - Sketchpad
This lab was divided into a two week lab with the first week focusing on the Arduino side and the second week on the Android UI. The lab takes the Nexus Tablet and an Arduino and turns a 32x32 LED board into a sketchpad. The first week provides simple fields to enter a red, green, or blue value in ranging from 0 - 7 and two fields for the coordinates; the Arduino side receives this information, in the same manner as lab 1, and then colors the set pixel in the set color. The second week of lab expands the UI into a 32x32 grid and a color slider. This lab was designed to build upon the skills learned in the first lab and create something a little more flashy.
Lab 3 - spycam
This lab is used to show students the full extent of what mobile embedded systems can do. The SpyCam connects the Nexus tablet to a wireless internet connected camera and provides the ability to view a live stream from the camera. The application also gives the user the ability to control the camera by moving the camera lens in different directions. This lab can be used as a starting point for one of the possible final projects of CPRE 388 by adding this functionality to the Mars Rover project from CPRE 288.